Friday, November 25, 2011


Top picture: environment
middle: posed
bottom: candid

Depth of Field: This picture has a pretty deep depth of field. A deep depth of field is when the picture is completely sharp and clear.  Jacob, my main subject, is sharp and in focus. This shot is similar to a landscape shot, therefore most things in the background are sharp. However, as you do move father back there seems to be less sharpness in the depth of field.
Exposure: For this image I used a pretty high exposure. It was very bright out and we were also taken action shots. Therefor I used a high exposure throughout the shoot to make sure I wasn't letting in to much light. I really like the overall look of the exposure in this image. I think that their is a good amount of light.
Lighting: Throughout this shot I used natural lighting. This is because we toke the pictures outside to improve the environment of this picture. I think that the sun was a good lighting source. In the dark room, I had to use the dodging technique to get the right amount of lighting. I exposed the paper for a period of time and then I covered the image except the sky area. The sky was so bright and needed to be exposed for more time to get more coloring, however I need less light down by the field, because of the dark shadows. Overall I think the technique worked in my benefit and I really like the overall image.

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